Executive Principal

  • icon Full Time
  • icon Ain Khaled

Our Mission is to prepare all pupils through a relevant, challenging curriculum and well-resourced facilities to become lifelong learners contributing to a global community.

Job Details

  • Department: Management
  • Reports to: DOE
  • Office Location: Doha British School
  • Working Days: Sunday – Thursday
  • Hours of Work: 7:00am-3:00pm 

Our Mission is to prepare all pupils through a relevant, challenging curriculum and well-resourced facilities to become lifelong learners contributing to a global community.

It is the expectation of the school that the Executive Principal   will demonstrate commitment to the strategic development of the schools. The strategy for such development will be based on four key principles:

  • The adoption, development, improvement and implementation of the DBS Way across all DBS Schools;
  • To ensure that all DBS Schools, regardless of size, years of existence, location or other characteristics, are equal in status;
  • To ensure that all schools commit to collaboration with the other schools to reinforce a common and collective way of delivering Teaching and Learning;
  • To ensure that all Senior Leaders commit to engaging with and supporting the integrated development of all school within the wider DBS organization.


The Executive Principal is expected to be energetic, enthusiastic, flexible and innovative in his/her approach to his/her work.  He/she should be a forward-looking person committed to providing quality leadership and who should have the highest possible expectations of all staff. He/she must be committed to the development of the school and to his/her own professional development.

The Executive Principal will:

  • Understand how to blend the best of premium British education with contemporary international thinking to create a distinctive positioning for the school;
  • Lead with a strategic and decisive style and be pragmatically capable of driving a Cluster of Schools;
  • Spearhead the marketing of the schools with passion and adherence to quality;
  • Communicate excellently with school leaders, teachers, parents and community leaders in a manner that is open and inclusive and which conveys the values of the DBS brand;
  • Possess a creative and pragmatic mind with the ability to lead innovations in leadership and management and the broader activity of the schools;
  • Demonstrate a flair for attracting, retaining and developing managerial and educational talent;
  • Manage financial budgets with astuteness and engage and contribute successfully in a corporate team environment;
  • Prepare organization chart with present structure and mapping of manpower. Also to prepare forecasted organizational chart with required manpower for the upcoming academic years in coordination with the Principals and HR department.



  • Develop and implement an effective corporate environment that allows the DBS Cluster and its schools to achieve excellence; 
  • Ensure that each DBS school is outward looking and fully engages as a member of the Cluster fulfilling its partnership and collaboration responsibilities and contributing to shaping the vision and direction of the Cluster;
  • Oversee and co-ordinate the operation of any relevant Strategic Development Groups. Eg, Cluster Network groups, CPD programmes across the Cluster;
  • Work with the CEO, the Executive Board to provide direction and ambitious vision for the DBS Cluster; 
  • Work with the Executive Board to develop and deliver the Cluster Strategic Plan; 
  • Support the Executive Board with any new projects including additional schools into the Cluster;
  • Be proactive and drive the strategic priorities ensuring that the Cluster strategic plan is fully aligned and in tune with school action plans;
  • Ensure the Cluster effectively manages its talent through strategic and localised CPD and succession planning.


Leadership and Management

  • Provide motivational and inspirational leadership at all levels of the organisation;
  • Create a culture of constant improvement and be an inspirational leader, committed to the highest achievement in all areas of the Clusters work;
  • Lead, oversee and advise on the allocation of resources/recruitment across the Cluster of Schools;
  • Represent the DBS Cluster at BSME meetings;
  • Ensure the Clusters management and organisational structures are fit for purpose and facilitate continuous improvement; 
  • Contribute to the brokerage and delivery of school to school support programmes where required across the Cluster;
  • Support schools across the Cluster in identifying improvement priorities; 
  • Ensure that there are clear quality assurances systems embedded across the Cluster that drive consistency and improvement in performance;
  • Achieve effective communication, both internally and externally to the Cluster, including liaising with all key stakeholders within Artan Holdings;
  • Attend individual School Senior Leadership Team/Group Meetings as appropriate;
  • Line manage, support and challenge of designated personnel, holding them to account for all aspects of the performance of the schools;
  • Lead & manage all operations through the agreed organisation structure and through the development, implementation and review of Cluster level policies. 



  • Develop and lead a Partnership/Collaboration strategy that ensures the Cluster and its schools participate in cross Cluster education networks;
  • In line with the agreed Cluster models of delegation – to select, train, develop, empower and motivate the senior staff of the Cluster; and to support the Principals in the alignment of The DBS Way;
  • Accountable for all aspects of Teaching and Learning and Standards across the Cluster, set high professional standards and ensure the DBS education vision is understood and embraced;
  • Responsible for developing and leading the process for improvement across the Cluster, providing quality assurance and accountability;
  • To share skills expertise and capacity across the Cluster and its schools and embed consistent systems, structures and leadership practice;
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with parents/carers, students, staff, and Executive Board and key Stakeholders from Artan Holdings and across the Cluster. 


This description may be amended at any time after consultation with the post holder. It will be reviewed at the end of the summer term. The post holder is responsible to the Board of Governors for all aspects of this description.

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  • General

Executive Principal

  • icon Full Time
  • icon Ain Khaled

    Personal Details



    Notice Period

    Current Salary

    Expected Salary


    Marital Status

    No. of Dependents

    Mobile No.

    Email Address

    Skype ID

    Home No.

    Qatar Driving License

    Passport Number

    Date of Expiry

    Place of Birth

    Date of Birth

    Visa Number

    Visa Status

    Date of Expiry

    Qatar ID No.

    Date of Expiry

    QID Profession


    Work Permit

    Will you be able to transfer the visa? (NOC)


    Applicant Specifications

    Highest Qualification



    Mode of Study



    Years of Experience

    Field of Experience

    MMUP / UPDA License

    Grade / Date of Expiry

    Other Professional License(s)

    Date of Expiry

    Language(s) Known

    MS Excel Skills

    MS Word Skills

    Powerpoint Skills

    Other Application / Software


    Interpersonal Skills

    Is the education certificate attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Qatar?

    Have you reviewed the Job Description?



    Do you have any ongoing/previous issues to any institution or Government ministry like banks, CID, Immigration, etc...?

    If yes, Please state below.

    Do you have any liabilities with your current employer?

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    Have you applied for any position before with Artan Holding?

    If yes, Please state when did you apply and for what position.

    Do you have any relatives / friends working with Artan Holding?

    If yes, Please state the name and relationship.

    Why should we consider you for this role?


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