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September 3, 2018

It has been another year of success at Doha British School Ain Khaled, with outstanding exam results including:
- Tharienee Pillai scored the highest result ever in DBS history for her IB Diploma – an incredible 44 out of 45;
- IB average score for class of 2018 well above world average;
- 87% achieved 5 IGCSE A* to C including English and Maths;
- 45% of students scored A* or A in their IGCSE exams;
- Throughout the world 1174 students sat IGCSE Textiles. Of those, 40 were awarded a grade 9 (A**). 7 of those 40, i.e. 18% were from DBS.
- Top IGCSE DBS students with outstanding results:
- Juanita Joseph scored an excellent 10 A* grades
- 1 student with 9 A*s and 1 B
- 1 student with 8 A*s and 2 As
Principal, Terry McGuire, said that “….these are the best overall academic results ever achieved at the school. This represents a continuation of the improvement in academic outcomes year on year. This achievement is the product of first class recruitment, continuous development of teachers, great resources and facilities, wonderful students and supportive parents. We are investing heavily in our facilities including significant investment in I.T.; a refurbishment of the swimming pool and basketball courts; and a new football pitch. DBS is celebrating its 21st anniversary this year. Our first class examination results demonstrate how far we have come. This school is going from strength to strength. The sky’s the limit”.

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