Pastoral Care
Transition through school can present many challenges for young people which can bring on stress, anxiety, depression or relationship problems with those around them.
The school-based counselling services offer support to young people faced with difficult life experiences and is available throughout DBS schools.
Secondary Pastoral Structure
DBS fully recognises its responsibilities towards child protection and safeguarding children and that we have an active role in protecting our students from harm and promoting their welfare.
We recognise that we may be the only stable, secure and predictable element in the lives of children at risk, and so we endeavour to maintain an environment where students can feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to.
We aim to ensure that students can be supported through a school-wide ethos that promotes a positive, supportive and secure environment, valuing students’ independence, feelings and individuality.
If you are concerned about anything in primary related to Safeguarding or Child Protection, please contact the following people.
Jennifer McClelland
School Counselor
Diane Longmore
Assistant Head: Primary Pastoral (DSL)
Saima Khan
Deputy Head: Primary
Emily Byars
Key Stage Leader: EYFS
Nicola Wilkes
Deputy Head of Secondary: Pastoral (DSL)
Jennifer McClelland
School Counselor
Jason Wheelhouse
Assistant Head of Secondary: Pastoral (DDSL)
Sandra Donegan
Assistant Head of Secondary: Pastoral (DDSL)
Wellbeing Counselling at Doha British School
How Can School-Based Counselling Help Young People?
- School-based counselling can assist young people in addressing a range of personal challenges, including:
- Family/peer/relationships
- Body image and self-confidence
- Emotional regulation
- Exam stress
- Mood changes – anxiety/ low mood
- Illness
The Service Aims to Help Students By:
- Providing support to build resilience
- Developing coping skills and strategies
- Enhancing understanding of relationships
- Assisting in managing change and transitions
- Offering a safe space to explore life experiences and challenges
The Wellbeing Counselling Team plays a crucial role in promoting and supporting students’ personal, social, and emotional well-being. Our services align with the curriculum, specifically Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), which teaches vital life skills to help students pursue their goals. This may include small group interventions over 5-6 sessions, with parents provided information at the time of these interventions.
Further Support Provided by the Wellbeing Counselling Team
Preventive Measures:
Our service aims to be preventative by identifying prevailing themes and anticipating the needs of our students. We consider the developmental stages of children and how associated issues may impact their school experience. The Wellbeing Counsellors provide one-on-one support and run small group sessions to equip students with tools and skills for resilience
Family Support:
We extend support to DBS families through various initiatives, such as Parent Information Sessions and ‘Coffee with the Counsellor’ mornings. These opportunities allow parents and guardians to meet with Wellbeing Counsellors and discuss any queries. We work collaboratively with parents to ensure their child’s welfare and safety through regular communication and meetings, and we may develop a wellbeing plan to best support your child.
Teacher Collaboration:
The Wellbeing Counselling Team collaborates with teachers to provide guidance when barriers to learning are identified. If a child struggles with a particular situation at school, the Wellbeing Counsellor, alongside the teacher, will empower the child to feel safe and ready to learn. We explore various strategies to help the child progress and overcome challenges.
Referral to the Wellbeing Service at DBS
Parents can refer their child to the Wellbeing Counselling Service at Doha British School via telephone, email, or by speaking directly with the child’s class teacher, progress leader, House Leader, or a member of the Pastoral Team.
Wellbeing Counsellors Contact:
Tel. (+974) 4019 8039
Tel. (+974) 4019 8051
Indirect services
If it is felt that your child may benefit from support from an external service, the Wellbeing Counsellor would explore this further with their Parent or Guardian. Currently in Doha, families can access Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMH’s) through Sidra and Hamad.
Get in touch with our team or contact any of the pastoral team for support and advice.
Jennifer McClelland
School Counselor
Sarah Bayley
Saima Kouser
Our approach is based on the ‘Graduated Approach’ set out in the SEN Code of Practice (2015). This is the practice of putting in place suitable SEN provision and then keeping it under review, with staff and parents working together, to always achieve effective support for a child.
At DBS we believe in and practice participation for all. For us, the student and their family are at the heart of all we do.
We believe that all adults and students should participate in learning and we celebrate all members of our school community.
We celebrate an inclusive culture in our school and aim always to be as responsive as possible to the diverse backgrounds of our students, their interests, experience, knowledge and skills.
Tiered System
At DBS we follow a tiered system of support, identifying student need through assessment and conversation and putting in place, with support of parents, the right level of support needed to maximise each day.
Get in touch
If you wish to discuss any SEN needs with the school, please contact Sarah Bayley (SENDCo Lead)
Ramandeep Kaur Sarin
Shukriya Vamanjoor