Our vision in Primary is to provide an outstanding, values-driven and inclusive all-round educational experience which enables all our students to make exceptional academic progress whilst developing as happy, empowered, rounded, responsible and morally secure children.
This is delivered through the combination of:
- A two-year Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), a two-year Key Stage 1 and a four-year Key Stage 2, which enables students to consolidate and extend their learning with pace and challenge appropriate to them as individuals
- A broad and balanced curriculum, which focuses on subject-specific skills and knowledge
- A breadth of opportunities available to students beyond the taught curriculum to develop leadership and wider skills to support their personal development
- A focus on values-themed character education
- PSHE lessons to support happiness and well-being
- Student tracking systems to ensure effective and regular structured and flexible interventions to support student progress
- Regular monitoring, evaluation and development of professional practice through structured collaboration
This is evidenced by:
- A consolidation of attainment and progress at the end of all key stages
- Student achievement in a wide range of local and national competitions including BISQ Games, KS1 and KS2 Choir, Times Table Rockstars and Arabic Debating
- The quality of teaching and learning and knowledge skills developed by children, evidenced through pupil outcomes
- Children who consistently exhibit values linked to our character education
- Teaching and learning that enables children to make excellent progress
Knowledge organisers are a valuable tool for both children, staff and parents. They provide a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that pupils need to know about a unit of work or a curriculum subject.